Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fireflies and other beautiful things

And here the follow-up to ”The Kawaii complex and other nuisances” (it's better to read that one first, in case you haven't yet)

So at the end of that week of being very, very annoyed, I happened to run out of food on Saturday evening. I should have taken a short trip to the supermarket, drive home, make food and get back to studying Japanese, and writing my research and planning some other works and, and, and. Instead I thought 'Fuck it all' and decided to take a slow evening walk through the ricefields to the convenient store. That probably was the best idea I had had all week.

It was just cool enough to be comfortable,

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Kawaii-complex and other nuisances

About two weeks ago I was really annoyed. There was a whole list of things I wanted to complain about, but between school work and dancing, simply didn't have the time to. Then, the following week, when I would have had the time to write, it suddenly felt as if there actually wasn't really that much to complain about, or rather, that maybe those things weren't so bad after all. And still I didn't write. Now it is, if I remember right, three weeks since my last entry. Three weeks after I said that I would finally have time to write more, and instead wrote less than ever.
Well, this basically means: I am fine.
But, just for the record, let me recapture:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Picture book: Notoyosakoi

It is pretty hard to describe my feelings when finally the time had arrived that I had been waiting for so long and had been prepairing for, together with about 50 others, with so much energy and time. Last weekend was Notoyosakoi and it really was amazing. Really being there and watching the teams dance, and - of course and maybe most important - dancing oneself is one of the coolest things I've done. I'm not able to describe it well enough anyways, so maybe a few pictures will at least give a tiny insight into what I experienced last weekend.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Time is running...

... and it's running fast, as if something not so nice was behind it. God thanks there seem to be mostly good things behind, around and before myself. So the time that runs for me right now is mostly exciting, fun, and interesting, though once in a while mixed with moments of tiredness when I wish for a few more quiet minutes.

But I think that after this next weekend,